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英语作文 To Introduce Myself(自我介绍)的优秀作文

2023-09-28 11:09:31 ,,,,,,,

Hello! My name is Ady. I’m ten years old. I’m in Class 3, Grade 4 in Huamei School. I’m tall. Both my aunt and my mother say my ears are very big. My teacher says I am smart.

My f**ourite colour is green. My f**ourite food is pasta. My f**ourite sport is playing chess. My f**ourite animal is dog. I don’t like writing, but I like reading, playing computer games, watching cartoons and VCD, etc.

If you want to find me, I will tell you my E-mail address. It is 130130955@QQ. You can find me from 22:00 to 23:00. I’m often online at that time.

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